Mosonmagyaróvár - MKB branch
Miskolc - MKB branch
Budapest - Core House
Győr - Rába Quelle
Lake Balaton, Keszthely - Congress Center
Budapest - AEB theater
Budapest - Square Elisabeth
Mosonmagyaróvár - Futura-house
Budapest - Obuda Gate
Budapest - Mammut Shopping Center
Budapest - Urania National Theatre
Budapest - Chapel of St Angela GS
Budapest - Novotel
Miskolc - Szinva-creek
Budapest - Erős Szaniter
Lake at Nagyegyház
Kazincbarcika - Hotel Borsod-Chem
Budapest - Atlantis Casino
Cserkeszőlő - Catholic temple
Budapest - Center Point
Eger - Dobó István Museum in Castle
Szeged - National Theatre Chamber
Budapest - Arena Plaza
Temple at Gyömrő
Bath of Esztergom
Miskolc University - Auditorium Max
Debrecen - Forum
Debrecen - Casino
Budapest - National Theater
Budapest - Hotel Hilton
Budapest - Temple in downtown
Szentendre - MKB branch
Budapest - Palace of Fine arts
Szombathely - MKB branch
Budapest - MOM-park
Szombathely - Catholic Temple
Budapest - Museum of Natural Sciences
Budapest - Eurocenter
Budapest - Kogart Studio
Budapest - MOL hall
Siklós Bath
Budapest - Hotel Andrássy
Szeged - Reok Palace
Zalaegerszeg - Havasi Theatre
Zalaegerszeg - Aquacity
Budapest - Polar Center
Budapest - Columbarium of Graveyard
Budapest - Arena Corner
Budapest - Mathias Temple
Budapest - Díjbeszedő PLC
Budapest - West End City Center
Siófok - Galerius Spa
Budapest - Spanish gemstone exhibition
Nyíregyháza - Móricz Zsigmond Theatre
Tamási - Ability bath
Miskolc - Square of Heroes
Budapest - Library of BUTE
Debrecen - Kölcsey Center
Szentgotthard - Saint Gotthard Spa
Budapest - Drama